Pastel Rainbow Balloon DIY Garland Kit


Pastel Rainbow Balloon DIY Garland Kit

from A$69.95

Create your very own balloon garland or allow us to inflate one for you! Each kit contains 28cm and 12cm balloons in pastel pink, blue, lilac, yellow and mint. The balloons within are made of natural thick rubber latex that is 100% biodegradable. For texture and a luxe look, some balloons are supplied double stuffed. String to assemble your garland & a balloon pump are also provided.

If you are in close proximity to our store in Richmond we highly recommend hiring our electric balloon pump to inflate your garland. We don’t want you to get all puffed out leading up to the party!

We can also inflate this incredible garland on your behalf. Simply select air inflation and ensure you have car space to fit it in! (We highly recommend removing any car seats should you have them!) Your pick up date and time can be added to your order as you check out.

Instructions: Start by inflating the balloons and tying them off. For double-stuffed balloons, only tie the inside balloon. Next, pair a 5-inch balloon with an 11-inch balloon, until you’ve created 13 full pairs. Then, tie two 5-inch balloons together, for another pairing of 13. Now, you can assemble the pairs using the included string, starting at 70 centimetres to ensure you have enough string for hanging. Once you’ve finished, hang up the garland, making sure to twist and adjust so that it covers any knots and string, completing the full effect.

Size: Approximately 1.8m in length

Average inflation time: When kept away from the elements your garland can last for 2+ weeks

Includes: Balloons, your instructions and string to tie your balloons together.

*Colours may vary slightly from image shown.

*Installation, balloon structures & local delivery is in addition and prices may vary dependent on complexity of install & availability.

*For current information regarding Pick Up and Delivery please click here.

*Click here for Balloon Handling And Storage Information.

Air Inflation:
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